Bendy Bus Setup

Bendy Bus Setup

Mesh Creation

The visual part of the bendy bus mesh creation is lined out in the Bus Mesh Creation step, make sure the skeleton hierarchy is extended for the bendy bus as mentioned in the skeleton step.

For the physics simulation we will need an additional dummy mesh that represents the rear part.

This mesh should be a simple cube scaled up to the volume of the Bendy Rear part.

  • This mesh must be rigged to an abridged version of the same rig used for the visual bus mesh. This rig must have the same hierachy and Joint Orientations, Locations and Scales as the main rig and include the following joints:

    • Root Joint - the box can be weight painted to this bone

    • All Tire Joints related to the bendy rear part

    • All other Joints can be disregarded

Box roughly the size of back end, with Root and Wheel Bones.

Unreal Setup

Dummy Mesh Import

  1. Import the Rear Mesh.

  2. Update the BendyRearPart component in the BusBP with the imported mesh.

  3. Make sure the BendyBusJoint is in the BusBP and is in the center of the turn plate.

  4. Check the BendyMovement in the BusBP and the bone names are assigned and mass is set.

  5. Use the set Wheel Class or create your own (depending on the bus)

The joint of the Bending should be center of the plate.





Rear Part Move Graph

Make sure that the move graph in the rear part is connected to the front move graph, passengers will otherwise be stuck in the area they boarded.


Next Step

Setup Dashboard


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